Health is a journey not a destination

My Treatments
Benefits of Massage
There are more benefits to a massage than just relaxing. Today's societal pressures of sitting more, working on computers, and being plugged into our phones have taken a toll on our bodies. Massage has become a way to practice self care in todays busy life. It's a time when you can focus on yourself and bring about restorative functions within the body. Massage allows your muscles to relax, there by counter balancing all the negative effects of sitting & working behind a computer. It decreases muscle pain and increases range of motion in joints especially after an injury. But the biggest is it allows for a loving touch that we can't get through our computers and phones. Touch triggers feel-good hormones and helps to calm stress, anxiety, and relieve depression. Massage therapy can be a very powerful preventive medicine, and an important complement to an overall healthy lifestyle.