Polyunsaturated fats high in omega-6 to avoid:
Corn, Canola, Cotton, Soybean, Sunflower, Safflower, Grape Seed & Rice Bran Oils.
These oils are incompatible with athletic performance. Promote inflammation. Decrease energy. Damage joints due to inflammation.
The fats above are highly processed. They were developed early 1900 to lubricate machines (Crisco). These Oils are chemically extracted with hexane and go through several other processes to refine them before they hit the shelves for our consumption.
These oils are very unstable and oxidize with heat, go rancid and may increase LDL.

Polyunsaturated fats low in omega-6 to include are:
Walnuts, farm raised fish, flax seed oil, hemp seed oil
Monounsaturated fats to include are:
Avocado oil, Olive oil, Grass fed butter, Ghee, Tallow, Duck fat, Coconut oil. Make sure oils are cold pressed which makes them healthier as they are processed less.
Some common foods that contain the hateful 8 are:
Salad dressings, mayonnaise, fried foods, baked goods, coffee creamers, crackers, pre-made dough, vegetable shortening, microwave popcorn, potato chips & packaged snacks.
Bottom line is you need to read the ingredient labels. Look for the oils listed above and words like hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated. Also try to find alternatives that do not contain the above oils.
This month challenge yourself to find food alternatives that are healthier. Primal Kitchen has some great dressings and mayonnaise.
Here are some links if you would like more information on which oils to avoid.
Remember to go like my private Facebook group called Healthy Lifestyle & Weight loss. In this group I will be posting weekly challenges, highlighting vegetables along with recipes, tips and engagement questions. I will also give tips on how to make recipes allergy friendly. This group is a safe place to discuss the difficulties surrounding food addiction and how to over come it. I look forward to seeing you in my group and helping you along the way.
My health coaching practice focuses in on women 40 and older who are struggling with menopause and weight gain. You will gain self confidence, coping mechanisms to deal with stress and learn how to alter meals to make them healthier.